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Cross-Domain Transfers

  • transfer(api: ApiPromise, destination: ChainOrDomain, receiver: string, amount: Amount): Promise<SubmittableExtrinsic>: Creates a transaction to transfer a specified amount to a receiver on a given destination, which can be either the consensus chain or a specific domain.


  • Amount: BigInt | number | string
    Represents the amount to be transferred.

  • Consensus: { type: 'consensus' }
    Indicates that the destination is the consensus chain.

  • ChainOrDomain: Consensus | Domain
    A union type representing either the consensus chain or a domain.

  • Domain: { type: 'domain'; domainId: number }
    Specifies a domain as the destination, identified by a domainId.

Usage Example

// For transferring to the consensus chain
await transfer(api, { type: 'consensus' }, 'receiverAddress', amount)

// For transferring to a specific domain
await transfer(api, { type: 'domain', domainId: 1 }, 'receiverAddress', amount)

The transfer function returns a Promise that resolves to a SubmittableExtrinsic, which can be signed and submitted to the blockchain.