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Auto-Drive Package Documentation


The @autonomys/auto-drive package provides utilities for creating and managing IPLD DAGs (InterPlanetary Linked Data Directed Acyclic Graphs) for files and folders. It facilitates chunking large files, handling metadata, and creating folder structures suitable for distributed storage systems like IPFS.


  • File Chunking and DAG Creation: Efficiently split large files into smaller chunks and create IPLD DAGs.
  • Folder Structure Creation: Generate IPLD DAGs for directory structures.
  • Metadata Handling: Add and manage metadata for files and folders.
  • CID Management: Utilities for working with Content Identifiers (CIDs).
  • TypeScript Support: Fully typed for enhanced developer experience.


Install the package via npm or yarn:

# Using npm
npm install @autonomys/auto-drive

# Using yarn
yarn add @autonomys/auto-drive

Importing the Package

Before using the functions provided by the auto-drive package, you need to import them into your project:

// Import specific functions
import { createFileIPLDDag, createFolderIPLDDag } from '@autonomys/auto-drive';

// Or import everything
import * as drive from '@autonomys/auto-drive';

Available Functions

File and Folder DAG Creation

  • createFileIPLDDag(fileBuffer, fileName): IPLDDag: Creates an IPLD DAG for a file from its buffer and name.
  • createFolderIPLDDag(childCIDs, folderName, folderSize): IPLDDag: Creates an IPLD DAG for a folder with given child CIDs, name, and size.

CID Utilities

  • cidOfNode(node): CID: Generates a CID from an IPLD node.
  • cidToString(cid): string: Converts a CID to its string representation.
  • stringToCid(cidString): CID: Parses a CID string back into a CID object.

Node Encoding and Decoding

  • encodeNode(node): Uint8Array: Encodes an IPLD node into a byte array.
  • decodeNode(encodedNode): any: Decodes a byte array back into an IPLD node.

Metadata Handling

  • createMetadataNode(metadata): any: Creates a metadata node for an IPLD DAG.
  • createMetadataIPLDDag(metadata): IPLDDag: Creates an IPLD DAG for metadata.

Upload and Download Operations

  • uploadFile(api, file, options): PromisedObservable<UploadFileStatus>: Uploads a file with optional encryption and compression.
  • uploadFileFromFilepath(api, filepath, options): PromisedObservable<UploadFileStatus>: Uploads a file from a filesystem path.
  • uploadFolderFromFolderPath(api, folderPath, options): PromisedObservable<UploadFolderStatus>: Uploads a folder from a filesystem path.
  • downloadObject(api, params): AsyncIterable<Buffer>: Downloads an object by its CID.

Note: All asynchronous functions return a Promise and should be used with await for proper execution flow.

Usage Examples

1. Creating an IPLD DAG from a File

Create an IPLD DAG for a file:

import { createFileIPLDDag } from '@autonomys/auto-drive';
import fs from 'fs';

const fileBuffer = fs.readFileSync('path/to/your/file.txt');

const dag = createFileIPLDDag(fileBuffer, 'file.txt');

console.log('File DAG created:', dag);

2. Creating an IPLD DAG from a Folder

Create an IPLD DAG for a folder:

import { createFolderIPLDDag } from '@autonomys/auto-drive';
import { CID } from 'multiformats';

// Example child CIDs and folder information
const childCIDs: CID[] = [
/* array of CIDs */
const folderName = 'my-folder';
const folderSize = 1024; // size in bytes

const folderDag = createFolderIPLDDag(childCIDs, folderName, folderSize);

console.log('Folder DAG created:', folderDag);

3. Working with CIDs

Generate and manipulate CIDs:

import { cidOfNode, cidToString, stringToCid } from '@autonomys/auto-drive';

// Assuming you have an IPLD node
const node = { /* IPLD node data */ };

// Create a CID from a node
const cid = cidOfNode(node);

// Convert the CID to a string
const cidString = cidToString(cid);
console.log('CID as string:', cidString);

// Parse a string back into a CID
const parsedCID = stringToCid(cidString);
console.log('Parsed CID:', parsedCID);

4. Encoding and Decoding Nodes

Encode and decode IPLD nodes:

import { encodeNode, decodeNode } from '@autonomys/auto-drive';

// Assume you have an IPLD node
const node = { /* IPLD node data */ };

// Encode a node
const encodedNode = encodeNode(node);

// Decode a node
const decodedNode = decodeNode(encodedNode);

console.log('Decoded node:', decodedNode);

5. Handling Metadata

Add metadata to a node:

import { createMetadataNode } from '@autonomys/auto-drive';

const metadata = {
name: 'My File',
description: 'This is a sample file',
// ... other metadata fields

const metadataNode = createMetadataNode(metadata);

console.log('Metadata node created:', metadataNode);

6. Example: Creating a File DAG and Converting to CID

import { createFileIPLDDag, cidOfNode, cidToString } from '@autonomys/auto-drive';
import fs from 'fs';

const fileBuffer = fs.readFileSync('path/to/your/file.txt');

const dag = createFileIPLDDag(fileBuffer, 'file.txt');

// Generate CID from the DAG
const cid = cidOfNode(dag.head);

// Convert CID to string
const cidString = cidToString(cid);

console.log(`CID of the file DAG: ${cidString}`);

7. Example: Converting Metadata to DAG

import {
type OffchainMetadata,
} from '@autonomys/auto-drive';
import fs from 'fs';

const metadataContent = fs.readFileSync('path/to/your/metadata.json', 'utf-8');
const metadata: OffchainMetadata = JSON.parse(metadataContent);

const dag = createMetadataIPLDDag(metadata);

const cid = cidOfNode(dag.head);
const cidString = cidToString(cid);

console.log(`CID of the metadata DAG: ${cidString}`);

8. Uploading a File from Filepath

import { uploadFileFromFilepath, createAutoDriveApi } from '@autonomys/auto-drive';

const api = createAutoDriveApi({ apiKey: 'your-api-key' });
const filePath = 'path/to/your/file.txt';
const options = {
password: 'your-encryption-password', // Optional
compression: true,

const uploadObservable = uploadFileFromFilepath(api, filePath, options)
.then(() => {
console.log('File uploaded successfully!');
.catch((error) => {
console.error('Error uploading file:', error);

9. Uploading a File with Custom Interface

import { uploadFile, createAutoDriveApi } from '@autonomys/auto-drive';

const api = createAutoDriveApi({ apiKey: 'your-api-key' });
const buffer = Buffer.from(/* ... */);
const genericFile = {
read: async function *() {
yield buffer;
name: "autonomys-whitepaper.pdf",
mimeType: "application/pdf",
size: 1234556,
path: "autonomys-whitepaper.pdf"

const options = {
password: 'your-encryption-password',
compression: true,

const uploadObservable = uploadFile(api, genericFile, options)
.then(() => {
console.log('File uploaded successfully!');
.catch((error) => {
console.error('Error uploading file:', error);

10. Uploading a Folder

import { uploadFolderFromFolderPath, createAutoDriveApi } from '@autonomys/auto-drive';

const api = createAutoDriveApi({ apiKey: 'your-api-key' });
const folderPath = 'path/to/your/folder';

const options = {
uploadChunkSize: 1024 * 1024,
password: 'your-encryption-password',

const uploadObservable = uploadFolderFromFolderPath(api, folderPath, options);

11. Tracking Upload Progress

import { useState, useEffect } from 'react';
import { uploadFile, createAutoDriveApi } from '@autonomys/auto-drive';

const UploadComponent = () => {
const [progress, setProgress] = useState<number>(0);

useEffect(() => {
const uploadFile = async () => {
const api = createAutoDriveApi({ apiKey: 'your-api-key' });
const finalStatus = await uploadFile(api, genericFile, options).forEach((status) => {
}, []);

return <div>Upload Progress: {progress}%</div>;

12. Downloading a File

import { downloadObject, createAutoDriveApi } from '@autonomys/auto-drive';
import fs from 'fs';

const api = createAutoDriveApi({ apiKey: 'your-api-key' });

try {
const stream = fs.createWriteStream('/path/to/file');
const asyncBuffer = await downloadObject(api, { cid: 'your-cid' });
for await (const buffer of asyncBuffer) {
} catch (error) {
console.error('Error downloading file:', error);


  • Asynchronous Functions: Use await with all promises for proper execution flow.
  • Error Handling: Wrap asynchronous calls in try...catch blocks to handle potential errors gracefully.
  • File System Operations: Ensure that file paths are correct and accessible when reading from or writing to the file system.