Common Problems
While the aim is to deliver software free of bugs, users may encounter certain errors. Some of these can be safely ignored, while others require attention. If you're still experiencing issues, check out our forums or visit our Discord server for assistance.
Program Issues
These errors and warnings are tied to specific components. In this section, we will highlight known issues, offer any available remediation steps to address them, and specify their severity levels. 🟢 🟠 🔴
- Node
- Фармер
- Farming Cluster
WARN Consensus: telemetry: ❌ Error while dialing /dns/ Custom { kind: Other, error: Timeout }
🟢 This error is specifically related to the telemetry server. It may occur occasionally, but it has no impact on farming operations and can be safely ignored.
Last Confirmed: mainnet-2024-nov-13-2WARN Consensus: sc_proof_of_time::source: Proof of time chain reorg happened from_next_slot=<block> to_next_slot=<block>
🟠 This situation arises when two or more valid blocks are created at the same height in the blockchain. Initially, network nodes may disagree on which block to add to the chain, resulting in multiple temporary forks. Once this disagreement is resolved, the blocks from the discarded fork become orphaned, and the chain reorganizes to incorporate the blocks from the winning fork.
This should resolve on its own.
Last Confirmed: mainnet-2024-nov-13-2WARN Consensus: sc_proof_of_time::source: Proof of time chain was extended from block import from_next_slot=<block> to_next_slot=<block>
🟠 This warning message should not affect your rewards or the operation of your node. It's just a log message indicating the normal operation of the network.
Last Confirmed: mainnet-2024-nov-13-2ERROR subspace_farmer::farmer_cache: Failed to store piece in cache, there was no space piece_index=<piece>
🔴 This indicates that there is not enough space in the cache to store a new piece of data.
The drive where you are storing your plot is out of space. Reduce the plot size and restart the farmer. Additionally, ensure that you are saving the plot to the correct drive and that it is properly mounted.
Last Confirmed: mainnet-2024-nov-13-2WARN {farm_index=3}:{sector_index=1036}: subspace_farmer::single_disk_farm::plotting: Failed to plot sector, retrying in 1s error=Low-level plotting error: Received only <sector> sector bytes out of <bytes> expected bytes
🟠 This is a known issue that is actively being investigated. To help mitigate these errors, run your NATS component on the same system as your Controller, Cache, and Plotter components.
Last Confirmed: mainnet-2024-nov-13-2Unexpected Behavior
These unexpected behaviors are not linked to specific components. In this section, we will outline common issues and provide any available remediation steps to address them.
No Output and Missing Error Codes
If you encounter a situation in Windows where the node produces no output and does not display any error code, it is likely that you simply need to install the latest version of the Visual C++ Redistributable package.
Farmer is stuck on plotting and has not made any progress for several hours.
Try restarting your node or farmer. We've observed that when creating larger plots, the process may sometimes seem stalled, but it typically resumes automatically after a while.
Rewards have not been earned after several days of farming.
- Ensure you are using the latest release of either Space Acres or the CLI.
- Confirm that your farmer is active and on the highest block by checking our telemetry server.
- Check your balance using Astral Block Explorer or the Polkadot Explorer