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Подготовка к работе

Убедитесь, что у Вас есть:

  1. Компьютер с надежным интернет-соединением.
  2. Достаточно свободного места на диске (позже мы поможем Вам определить, сколько).
  3. Доступ администратора к Вашему компьютеру.

Что ожидать:

  • Синхронизация может занять от нескольких часов до одного дня.
  • Первоначальная синхронизация и плоттинг требуют значительных вычислительных ресурсов, так что Вы можете заметить, что компьютер работает медленнее на повседневных задачах до тех пор, пока не будет завершена синхронизация и плоттинг.

Please note that a wallet with a Substrate address is required to run the software.
To learn how to create a Substrate wallet, please visit our pages on SubWallet (recommended) or {polkadot.js} extension.

Перенаправление портов

To ensure proper communication between Space Acres and other peers, you need to forward ports 30333 and 30433 from your router to the PC running Space Acres. For more details, refer to the Port Forwarding Guide.

Installation Videos

For those who prefer a visual guide, we have prepared installation videos to assist you. The videos will help you to set up Space Acres. If you prefer detailed text instructions, please proceed to Step 1.

Step 1: Download and Install Space Acres

Download the Space Acres Installer or the Portable App

Currently, there are two ways to get Space Acres on Linux:

  • by installing .deb package on Ubuntu (recommended)
  • by running .AppImage bundle directly on any modern Linux distribution (including Ubuntu if you want to)

Install Space Acres

You can either install the application using provided (.deb) installer, or run the portable application (.Appimage).

  1. To install the app, open terminal and run the following commands to switch to downloads directory and install an app

    cd Downloads
    sudo apt install ./space-acres*.deb


    Replace Downloads with the correct name of downloads directory if you have non-English Ubuntu installation or if you downloaded file into a custom location. In case you have multiple versions of Space Acres downloaded, you might want to replace space-acres*.deb with a full name of the file you've downloaded. Or go to Downloads directory and double-click the application to start the installation process

  2. Click the "Show Apps" icon in the bottom left of the screen


  3. Navigate to Space Acres (you may have to scroll to find the page it is on if you have a lot of apps installed)


  4. Double-click on Space Acres and the application will start

Portable Application (.AppImage)

  1. Open the Files application


  2. Click the Downloads folder to open it


  3. Right-click the .AppImage and select properties


  4. Toggle the "Executable as program" option to on


  5. Close the properties window

  6. Double-click the .AppImage and Space Acres will start


Step 2: Set Up Space Acres

Now comes the exciting part—setting up your farm! Here's what you'll see on the first screen:

Space Acres ConfigurationSpace Acres Configuration
  1. Node path:

    • Здесь Space Acres будет хранить важные данные.
    • Pick a location with plenty of free space; it might be as simple as /Documents.
  2. Rewards address:

    • Сюда будут отправляться Ваши вознаграждения за фарминг.
    • It starts with su for SubWallet and with 5 for {Polkadot.js} extension.
    • Если у Вас его нет, нажмите Create wallet для создания кошелька.
  3. Path to Farm 0 and its size:

    • Здесь будут храниться Ваши плоты (данные для фарминга).
    • The size determines your probability of getting a reward on the Network. In most cases, larger plots (or larger farm size) will gain you more rewards.
    • The size could be set as a fixed size, e.g. 4TB, or 500GB, or as a percentage value of the available disk space.
    • If you prefer to have a few farms (e.g. you have some spare space on different SSD drives), you can click on Add farm to pledge some additional storage space.
    Configured setup screenConfigured setup screen

    The screen above is just an example of configured setup screen, make sure to use your own Node path, *Rewards address, Path to farm 0 and its size, and Fixed size / Disk space percentage values

  4. Расширенная конфигурация (необязательна):

    • Toggle Reduce plotting CPU load (select this option if you're using your farming PC for other tasks)
    • Modify the default values for blockchain and DSN P2P ports
    • Toggle Faster Networking (selecting this option may increase the load on your router)

    Don't worry about this unless you're an experienced user.

    For a comprehensive list of prerequisites and explanations, refer to our Getting Started Guide.


    Your screen may look slightly different depending on your operating system, but the basic information required will be the same.

Step 3: Start Farming

  1. After entering your information, click Start.
  2. Space Acres настроит Вашу ноду и подключится к сети Autonomys.
  3. Вы увидите индикаторы прогресса по мере синхронизации данных и создания плотов фермы.
  1. Когда все будет готово, Вы увидите главную панель Space Acres, где сможете следить за своим процессом фарминга.

    Space Acres DashboardSpace Acres Dashboard
  2. Initial syncing and plotting can take from a few hours to days, depending on your hardware, network speed, and specified farm size. Below are examples of the various stages you can expect.

    a. Cache Syncing

    Space Acres DashboardSpace Acres Dashboard

    b. Initial Plotting

    Space Acres DashboardSpace Acres Dashboard

    c. Plotting Complete, Now Farming

    Space Acres DashboardSpace Acres Dashboard
  3. Once syncing and plotting are complete, you'll notice a drop in CPU and RAM usage, and the dashboard will display your earned rewards and the estimated time until the next reward.

    Space Acres DashboardSpace Acres Dashboard

    You can toggle the dashboard to view brief statistics or display all plotted sectors along with their status. The color codes of sectors are explained below. By hovering over the icons on the right, you can check the number of missed challenges, your average auditing and proving performance, and other useful stats.

Happy farming!

Понимание своей фермы

Your farm is made up of sectors that change color based on their status. For your convenience, we've provided a table detailing the color codes associated with different sector statuses. This will enhance your insight into the activities and conditions of your plot.

StatusColor PreviewDescription
Default#727272 #727272Default state of a farm sector
Plotted#9fc4ff #9fc4ffSector is plotted
About to Expire#ffd678 #ffd678Sector is nearing expiration
Expired#ff877c #ff877cSector has expired
Downloading#499249 #499249Sector is in the process of downloading (animated)
Encoding#ff5365 #ff5365Sector is encoding data (animated)
Writing#9fc4ff #9fc4ffSector is writing data (animated)
Узнайте больше о синхронизации, плоттинге и фарминге
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Решение проблем

If you are facing any issues with the application, you can: